Joeyyap Notebook
Landing page with purpose display information of Lucky Day Notebook, and advertise the products

Website is all about introduce cloth cutting machine industrial, and show how they could connect with their customer

CIENCO Constructions
A general contractor based in Ho Chi Minh City, deliver high quality INFRASTRUCTURE, CIVIL AND MEP construction projects

RED Haul Truck CMS
Haul Truck is an internal dashboard to track real time location of heavy trucks. The site manages truck orders, shipment, and truck customers. Extra feature with check-in and check-out NFC cards, OTP login and registration for employee

C2 Summer
C2 Summer is a campaign promotion website. This microsite includes the animated overlaying menu painted with brand color. Content is crafted with accordion effect and each tab content section is combined with slider for the best experience

Samsung 8K
Samsung 8K is a microsite to introduce a new 8K resolution TV. The site combines great mix of UI and animation.

Dingdong Delivery
The website includes one landing page and an internal dashboard to manage and store information. This dashboard got many major features like sort, search, filter and show detailed information of orders through the system of dashboard.

Samsung QLED
A landing page to introduce a new Samsung QLED TV. This page animation includes scroll in-out animation from new QLED TV to bring customers excellent immersive 3D theatrical experience.

4C Decor
4C Decor is an interior design website in-house. The webpage needs to have outstanding animation to help my client to show the client's interior designer could design house interior.

Anessa webpage objective is to advertise for new skincare products. The website has great effects such as fading animation and scrolling parallax that enhance elegancy and friendliness to users.